

Shapes, water, nebulae, earth and cords,
a world of hidden meanings.

Other forms

I love putting on paper the internal dynamism of life, getting into his intimity with the desire of looking under the surface of things. The view of organic forms, cells, microbial growth and biology, have always fascinated me. Microorganisms observed under the lens of the microscope are works of art in miniature and give inspiration to my work. My hand is not guided by scientific knowledge, but by an intuitive force that describes those secret forms to our eyes, revealing a generous future of fantastic and fertil worlds


The water is the central element of my work. Indeed, the technique where it is the absolute protagonist and the magic of forms generated by the interaction of water and colors is shown, was not randomly chosen. Thanks to it, I have a continuous inspiration and I manage to transport the liquidity of my thoughts into art. Water is seen as an element in which we should plunge and trace the source of life. Big and small drops, tears ready to show all the beauty of their fluid nature…


The philosopher Maria Montessori thought that nebulas are potentialities and creative energies that help the baby to absorb the surroundings. In astronomy, a nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen and plasma. Instead, my nebulas want to represent a sort of germ cell made of energy and dynamism and containing possibility.


The earth is, together with the three kingdoms mineral, vegetal and animal, the richest of the four elements. That is because it symbolizes primordial matter, being solid and at the same time maternal, nourishing and fertile. It holds the seed and transforms it. One of the most fascinating things we can admire are bright colors of mosses and lichens which give birth to more complex vegetation, rocks, wood and leaves. Their beauty remains imprinted in my memory in a permanent way, creating forms in their honor.


The umbilical cord, which dispenses the nourishment, represents the union of mother and son. It is also the symbol of emotional attachment and psychological link between the two. All of this goes beyond the nine months of pregnancy. This archetype can be extended to endless ties, that form cords and threads full of emotional and mental energy.